
Hello and thank you for visiting this site. Please also visit Resume Writing by Creating Prints which is my main blog, providing job search and resume writing tips. See the latest post from that site on the right hand panel here --->

In this blog, I aim to keep you updated with special offers, news related to the industry, and links to career information.

Please email me at rvargas@creatingprints.com, visit http://www.creatingprints.com/ or call 321-704-7209 if you need resume assistance.

You may also follow me on Twitter


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Six Certified Resume Writers Combine Efforts


I am proud to announce a new venture! Five other certified resume writers and I have launched a new consortium of career experts, The Resume Chicks. It is a playful name for such serious experts -- yes! But, the powerful tips and information you will gain by visit our blog and following us on Twitter is no game!

Join us on 01/11/2009 as we launch our new blog!

As always, if you have any questions, rvargas@creatingprints.com

Resume Writing Service
Resume Service For Leaders and Executives