
Hello and thank you for visiting this site. Please also visit Resume Writing by Creating Prints which is my main blog, providing job search and resume writing tips. See the latest post from that site on the right hand panel here --->

In this blog, I aim to keep you updated with special offers, news related to the industry, and links to career information.

Please email me at rvargas@creatingprints.com, visit http://www.creatingprints.com/ or call 321-704-7209 if you need resume assistance.

You may also follow me on Twitter


Monday, July 6, 2009

Twitter Can Work as a Great Job Search Tool!

Everyone wants to know how can you use a social networking site that only allows you to communicate in 140 characters or less for a job search?!

I can understand your doubts and at first, I too was very confused and doubtful about Twitter. You really have to begin to start using it and use it well in order to fully understand the magnitude of how powerful this tool is and how it can connect you to others who may lead you to a great job or business opportunity!

You must keep in mind that the Internet is about gaining information -- Twitter is about sharing information and that is your ticket!! How you impress others and gain their respect is via the value of your tweets (messages) and via the value of your tweets, you will build your online presence and establish yourself as a pro in your industry. If someone is looking for a pro in your industry -- guess what! They will be led to you by someone who is following you, thinks you are qualified, and knows you are searching for a job!

Read my latest blog post here http://www.resume-writing.typepad.com/ and email me at rvargas@creatingprints.com if you have any questions.

Rosa E. Vargas
Certified Resume Writer
Master Resume Writer
Creatingprints Resume Service


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